Postal Stamp Image : DR. Y.S. PAMAR 1324 Indian Post
Stamp Issue Date : 04/08/1988
Postage Stamp Dinomination : 0.60
Postal Stamp Serial Number : 1324
Postal Stamp Name : DR. Y.S. PAMAR
Stamp Information : Dr. Y.S. Parmar As an architect of modern Himachal Pradesh, the name of Dr. YAshwant Singh Parmar shall always remain associated with it. Dr. Y.S. Parmar, the energetic Chief Minister and the beloved leader of Himachal Pradesh, was born on 4th August, 1906 at Chanhalag vollage of the erstwhile princely state of Sirmaur. To Dr. Parmar goes the credit of integrating a number of hill states having similargeographical and cultural identities and then sucessfully procuring for the whole the status of a fullfledged state. By doing so he ensured the future prosperity and development of this backward area. The most commendable part of it is that he achieved it without any revolt and without a single drop of blood beinh shed. This could be done because of his preservence, his devotion to serve the masses and his intellectual attainments. Dr, Parmar remained the Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh for about eighteen years. He had a deep understanding of life in the hills, the geographical circumstances and cultural ingredia\ents of that area. On this basis he was able to formulate various schemes in consonance with the imperatives of the hills and thereby, initiate a new awareness in the life. Prior to independence, the life of a person from the hills ws normally associated with the abcence of education and with poverty, unemployment and helplessness. This was informed by this crusader of the hill people, people who now call themselves 'Paharis' with an inherent feeling of self-respect, the seed of which was sown by Dr. Parmar. The personality of Dr. Parmar was a harmonious conglomeration of various facets. A farmer, a horticulturist, a judious administrator, a mass leader and an intellectual. He was devoted to the masses throughout his life and was responsible for an awakening amongst the hill people. Dr. Parmar, a servant of society, is remembered with affection and respect not only in Himachal Pradesh but all through the hills and in fact the whole country. He passed away on 2nd May, 1981 but left an indelible mark in the history of Himachal Pradesh.
Philatelic Stamp Description : The stamp is designed by India Security Press, Nashik Road. The first day cover, showing Dr. Y.S. Parmar aganst a map of HImachal Pradesh, the state to which he devoted his life's work, is designed by Shri Sankha Samanta. The Cancellation is designed by Smt. Nenu Gupta.
Stamp Currency : P
Stamp Language : English
Stamp Overall Size : 3.91 X 2.90 cms
Postal Stamp Print Size : 3.55 X 2.5 cms.
Number of Stamps Per Sheet : 35
Stamp Perforations : 13 x 13
Postal Stamp Shape : Vertical
Postage Stamp Paper : Unwatermarked P.G. Matt coated paper
Indian Stamp Process : Photogravure
Number of stamps printed : 10,00,000
Stamp Printed At : India Security Press
Indian Stamp's Color : Blue Grey
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